Adriano Bottaro is the head and soul of his production firm. Born and raised in Italy, he lives in Austria for 40 years now. His relationship to this country leads to a special appreciation for every detail. His longterm experiences with filmic productions about Austria, gave him an extraordinary knowledge concerning the country and its inhabitants. Still he has the ability to be curious and is not weary to discover new things. This spirit shows in all of his productions.

Valerie Bottaro supervises all the communications for Bottaro Production. She translates the scripts if necessary into Italian, German, as well as other languages. Her “stick to the facts” character, her solving of any occuring communication problems, keeps everybody on firm ground.

Gloria Bottaro works in every division of the firm for six years now. But her passion is writing. Therefore she conquered the editorial aspects of the productions. She is writing concepts, screenplays and texts, and contributes a lot to the productions. She is the right hand of Bottaro Production and enriches it with her youthful enthusiasm.